Chadi Bazzi | Real Estate Coach | The 5 Skills you must master to Take More Listings in the next 90 days or less!
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THE BIG SECRET TO SUCCESS is that there are no secrets to success, however what there is, are skills to success, skills that anyone, anywhere can learn, master and reap their benefits.

Really think about it, what do all Top Listing Agents have in common?

They are masters at the art of getting people to do business with them, this same exact art is an art that anyone can learn and today I am going to briefly introduce you to the 5 most important skills to master so you can Take More Listings in the next 90 days or less.

To begin with, I would like you to answer the following few questions.

  1. Do I want to Become a Top Listing Agent?
  2.  Why do I want to Become a Top Listing Agent?
  3.  How will my life and business change if I were to Become a Top ListingAgent?
  4. Do I believe that I Can I Be a Top Listing Agent?


Did you answer the above four questions? All 4 questions are very important and are the beginning steps that you have to take to Become a Top Listing Agent however one of those questions is more important that the other 3.

Take another look now, which one of those questions do you think is the most important one? Choose one and I will let you know in a bit if you got it right or not and if you did get it right than I promise that the odds of you becoming a Top Listing Agent are in your favor and if you got it wrong than you are going to have to really pay very close attention to everything I am going to teach you so we can speed up the process for you to Become a Top Listing Agent.

I most likely should have titled this article the 6 most important skills instead of the 5 most important skills because by the time you are done reading this article i would have share with you 6 skills, not 5.

You can learn the 1st 5 skills and definitely Become a Top Listing Agent, however when you master that 6th skill that is when you speed up the process by at least 10X.


The 5 Skills of Influence:

As I shared with you at the beginning of this article all Top Listing Agents are Masters at selling. You must develop your skills and the better you are at selling the faster you will find yourself taking action. Most people do not do what they know they should do is because they know that they do not know how to sell, they know that they do not know how to handle seller and buyer objections, etc, and that is why they never ever do the work they know they should do each day. Today I am going to help you solve that problem once and for all just like I did for one of my client by the name of Victor Persuad.

You see when I met Victor he had just moved into a new market place. He moved from Florida to Michigan, he knew no one in Michigan so he has no database to begin working or anything of that sort.

When I started to work with Victor he was already a few steps of ahead of where most people begin and what i mean by that is that he was already in action, he had no problem with picking up the phone and making calls. He would make a good 40 to 50 contacts each day and the problem was that he was not really setting any appointments at all, I think this is something you can most likely relate to, Lots of Work & Very Little Results, this is very tiresome, this is the reason why we have so much failure in the real estate business, its because most people know what to do, and they either do it and don’t get results or they simply can’t get themselves to do it because they fear rejection, etc.

Back to Victor, I helped him master the same exact 5 skills I am going to share with you here and today he is setting and going on at least 4 listing appointments each week and he has only worked with one buyer all year because he had to work that buyer cause that buyer was a pre-approved seller of his, nice problem to have, right?

Here are the 5 Most Important Skills you to master asap.


This is the 1st and most important skills to master. I always tell my clients that the most important skill to master is the skill of how people feel when they are in your presence. If someone you meet feels good in your presence than they are going to engage with you, cooperate with you and most likely do business with you if they need your services and if they do not connect with you and do not feel good in your presence then they are going to resist you and not do business with you even if they need your service. This is a must learn skill.

There are a number of things you can do to create instant rapport and for the sake of keeping this long article short I share with you one strategy to begin to work on immediately.

Mimic The Rate of Speech. What does that mean? In simple English it means that when someone is speaking fast, speak at their speed, fast. If they speak slow, slow down, etc.

Why is this important?

It is important because people like people who are like themselves and you are already doing this now with the people you know, like and trust and now I want you to do this with everyone you meet so you sound like everyone that they know, everyone that they like and trust.

Think of it this way, do you know anyone who is an elderly person? I think we all do.

Do they speak fast or slow? I think we can all agree that they speak slower.

When you speak to them do you naturally slow down? You know you do.

This means that everyone that they know slows down when he or she speak to them and if you come out of no where and you are speaking super fast, they will instantly know that who you are is someone that they do not know so they tune you off.

This is one strategy of many that I teach inside of the Top Listing Agent Academy.

This is a skill that I want you to master now.

Here on forward I want you to mimic the rate of speech of everyone you meet and if you don’t believe me that this is a must learn skill that I want you to put me to the test by doing the following, when you meet someone new, listen to how fast or slow they speak and speak to them in the opposite, meaning if they speak fast, i want you to speak slow and if they speak slow then I want you to speed and I promise you that you arent them are going to feel super awkward in each others presence and that is what we call anti-rapport and without rapport you can kiss that sale or listing goodbye.


How do you sell someone something? Well, first you find out what he or she wants, then you find out why they want it and then you show them how you can give it to them.
If you do not know what a prospects wants, how can you give it to them?

You can’t, you wing it and you fail, right? Lets stop this kind of madness and really pay attention to what our clients want so we can help them.

They way to do this is to qualify them and now that you have already established rapport with them, getting them to answer your questions is going to be a piece of cake cause by now you would already melted away all resistance.

Imagine this for a moment, you meet a someone via in person or via the phone and you discover that they want to sell their home, you connect with them, they feel good about you so you set an appointment with them, you ask them questions about what they want and why they want it and they tell you exactly what they want and why they want it, is that going to give you an edge during the listing presentation? YES you will have a Huge Advantage.

I know for this for a fact, not too long I began working with Craig Chastain on a one on one basis, I showed him how to generate new listings, and he got very good at getting the appointments however his conversion rates were very low, meaning that he had to go on like 10 listing appointments to take one or two listings, i do not like those rations and i know you don’t either.

We solved this issue by mastering the art of qualifying. He began to qualify every single seller before he would go to their home and now I am proud to share with you that he is a Top Listing Agent and just a few months ago he had a record breaking earning month closing over $100,000 in real estate commissions.

I want the same for you and you can have it to when you master the art of qualifying.

What should you qualify for?

You need to ask a set of questions to every single prospect to find out the following.

  • Wants- What do they want?
  • Needs- What do they need?
  • Problems To Solve- What problems will selling this home solve for them if any?
  • Authority- Who are the decision makers involved?
  • Ability- What is their financial situation like? Do they need to cash out? etc.
  • Timing- What is their time frame?


One thing I know for a fact is that if you uncover that much more information before you step foot into a listing presentation, you will be walking in with so much more confidence and way more information to help them then over 90% of other agents you may be competing with.

I want you to have the edge on every single appointment, Craig is no listing over 80% of the appointments he goes on, again I want the same for you.

What I shared with you here about qualifying is just a tip if the iceberg, it is a lot and will dramatically help you Become a Top Listing Agent and I want you to keep in mind that there is more to it then what I shared with you here and these are very advanced strategies that I only teach inside of The Top Listing Agent Academy.

Okay now that you have make a connection with this new lead, you are both in Rapport, and you know so much about them cause you qualified them, its time to go on the appointment and get the listing so lets go over the next skill.


Your business is only as good as your presentation skills. The better you can present the more listings you will take. There are 5 steps to a Powerful Listing presentation and they are

The Introduction- You only have one chance to make a Killer 1st Impression.

Reconnect and Remotivate- They are going to make an emotional decision so make sure to connect the dots.

The Pricing Presentation (CMA)- Educate them so they choose the right price, this way they own it, future pace them to choose a price that will get the listing sold and make them happy.

The Marketing Plan- A Top Listing Agent has a killer marketing plan of action however in many cases they don’t need to do everything on that list cause they sell their listings very quickly by pricing it correctly and the best part if you do everything i have shared with you up to this point in the same exact order then you would mist likely not even need to share your marketing plan with the seller and they will still sign the contract with you.

The Close- You have to ask for the listing. This is my favorite closing question that works like a charm. Mr or Mrs Seller, based on what I shared with you so far, what do you think would actually happen when you HIRE ME?

Your presentation must be in that order. When you follow this process youwill have made it clear as to who you are and why they should listen, you would have reconnected them to the most important reasons why they are meeting with you, to sell their home (which is an emotional decision), you would have illustrated your pricing strategy, showcasing how you can get them the most amount of money by pricing their home right the first time around, you would have demonstrated that you have a killer marketing plan of action that gets the job done and when its time to close, well, they will sign the contract with you.


You have been in the business long enough to know that every seller you meet is going to say one of the following to

I am going to relist with the same agent

I have a friend in the business

I want to think it over I want you to discount your commission Etc.

Since you know what the objections are, you have to master how to handle each and every single one of them. I alwayS tell my clients to do all the hard work once, meaning, master it now and never ever think about it again.

The top listing agents have taken this to a whole new level by customizing their presentations in a way that they identify the objections that could potentially come up during the qualifying process and eliminate the objection before it comes up inside of their listing presentation and that is power.

A very good idea for you to do is to keep track of the objections you get from the next 100 people you speak to. Each time you get the same objection put a chicken scratch next to it, this way by the time you are done with the 100 contacts, you will know what objections you need to master and which ones come up the most.


This is an area that I am not going to spend a lot of time discussing here and all I am going to say is that most people have to close a prospect because they are trying to compensate for their in ability to do the 1st 4 things I mentioned above. Think of it this way, if you connect with the client and you know what they want (cause you qualified them) and you showed them in your presentation that who you are is the right person who can help them accomplish their goal than you do not need to close. However in some cases you still need to master the art of closing.

THE 6TH SKILL to Master.

At the beginning of this article I asked you 4 questions, and I asked you to guess which question was the most important one of them all, what did you guess,
Questions #4 was the most important one to answer, that is the one that will give you the edge, Do I believe that I Can I Be a Top Listing Agent?

Did you answer yes or no?

If you answered yes, then you already believe that you can Become a Top Listing Agent and you will as long as you master the 5 most important skills I shared with you above.

If you answered no, then you and I need to have a conversation about how to alter your belief system and I mean what I am about to tell you right now.

If you do no believe you can Become a Top Listing Agent then it don’t matter what you will learn, it will continue to be the same song and dance.
So the 6th most important skill is for you to BELIEVE!!!!!!!!

You have got to believe it to achieve it.

So what do you do? Do the following:

  1.  Write down each day 1o times that you are a Top Listing Agent. If you begin to write this down everyday, eventually you are going to believe that you really truly are a Top Listing Agent who has not taken a lot of listings as of yet.
  2.  Master each of the 5 skills I shared with you.
  3.  Read one self development book a month so you can sharpen your mind and start believing.
  4.  Subscribe to my podcast and listen to my audio programs they are free and I will brain wash you for you success and make you believe.
  5.  Visualize yourself each day living the life of a Top Listing Agent. That is it, its that simple, I know it looks like its a lot of work but it is not, you can master all these strategies and increase your listing inventory in the next 90 days if you do exactly what i shared with you here.

Do it…Do it Now!!!!

Your Success is my Commitment!

Chadi Bazzi

Its Time for You to Step Up & Become a Top Listing Agent

Help Me Help You Do It Now, Not Later

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